
Flower scented lip gloss,
My lips, I painted with,
As he said, I started to write,
Your name, gradually in my heart,
With the scent of your lips,
That caged my heart,
in the world of love!

My lips, I admire thereafter,
Like a little girl dreaming,
In front of the mirror,
Forgetting about the rest of the world!

Red, pink, pale pink and so on,
My tray, filled with different colors,
To paint my lips with!
Only the anger filled words, 
Of my mother knows never,
The secret place I hide them!

Valentine's day, and I sit there, 
confused which one to wear,
I go with naked lips, without lipstick,
Only to hear from him,
Oh, how pretty your lips are,
Much more beautiful,
than the scented ones!

He placed his finger on my lips,
And sang, 'Clouds of Cotton' you own!'
I blush and reply,
'Oh, do you wish to rest your lips,
on mine, for a while?'
And the we two laugh,
like we owned the world!


I am participating in #BlogchatterA2Z


  1. We laughed like we owned the world!

    Such a romantic feeling to have


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