Tina and George were now relaxed and enjoyed as they had already taken permission form their parents for a night out! Tina had built up a well-versed lie to their parents to make their valentine plan come true.

Ah! I can’t believe, we are gong for a date in the valentine date! She blushed. Goerge smiled as he admired her pretty smile.

The day was only one day away and they had already packed up their things and got ready to be at a place, a special place chosen by George.

They reached the place, a resort inside a deep forest. A place of value, she added as she saw the building surrounded by trees. Seems like no one will be here to help in case of emergency. Isn’t scary? Tina asked George.

Hmm…no one will be here. who’s going to disturb us in this beautiful place

Tina was a little afraid and excited at the same time.

They then went to the shore and played with the waves and watched the sunset together.

with wet clothes, they reached their place. George went to take a shower while Tina set the music=c in their room. Tina refreshed herself up and then, a warm cup of tea, they both had. The campfire was set and now they all went downstairs to the shore who were setting campfire. Tina and George too joined the show. Hours passed and everyone left the shore and it was now just Tina and George. They both were looking at each other and lushing and the silence that surrounded and the breeze made the scene more romantic.

A loud shout, that lasted for a few seconds and then vanished. Tina and George stood up with a shock, frightened.  They both now held hands and went to look into the place where the sound came from!

Boooo! He shouted into her ears and said, it’s a play by me! he laughed so hard that she was almost filled with anger and shouted at her for his unwanted drama there.

They both now had their dinner and set off to sleep. It was11pm and Tina and George had already slept as they had planned to wake earlier the next day.

Tina heard that scream again. she woke up from her bed and walked to the balcony where the sound came from. she again went to the husband who was in a deep sleep. She again laid on her bed and got back to sleep. she closed her eyes; she heard the sound again. she rose form her seat and went to the balcony again. she came back and gave her husband a soft punch and said, ‘Don’t dare to do the play again!’ and for the third time, she heard a knock at her door.

A hall of silence, she opened the door and looked who is was. No one stood there. She looked through the whole pathway of their hotel. No one to be seen. She closed the door and she gain heard a knock, she looked through the peep hole and found none. And again, she heard the knock, she opened the door to see who it was but ended in seeing no one. she walked through each room and a minute later, her room was locked. She ran to her room to and knocked the door but George heard nothing as he was in deep sleep.

She rushed to the ground floor where the reception was situated. To her shock, no one was there. A lady wiping the floor hit her eyes. she asked them about the absence of the receptionist to which she answered, ‘They might have been in the Master’s cabin attending a meeting.

She sat in the sofa in the ground floor facing the reception table. Half an hour had passed yet no one came there. Then, a few minutes later, two women came out and reached the reception table. She explained them the scene and they gave her a duplicate key to open the door.

She went to her room and opened the room only to see her husband disappear. She was now numb. She rushed to the ground floor and told them about the absence of her husband. They came along with her to the room and saw her husband sleeping peacefully.

She suspected and asked the receptionist about this place as she felt something was fishy here.

They replied with a polite note that everything is perfect and it was her who is mentally ill.

Tina was now in great anger and screamed and George came to save her. he apologized to the people and took her back to their room.

What’s wrong with you, do you believe in me and my words? They are wrong and with no response from George, got angry and her he and fetched to a lamp nearby, but no use, she couldn’t touch that! Now George laughed wilder and time froze making everyone freeze.

She ran downstairs and to beginning of the thick forest where the scream came. To her shock, she saw herself being cut into pieces and it was her body that was suffering, standing in the edge between death and life. her soul heard her screams even after her death like an echo in her ears.

Sooner she realized, George was also a ghost and he killed all the humans he met as his soul couldn’t accept the fact that he had died a long ago at a very young age.

Her body was buried under the grave of his body where a board was placed “GOERGE’S ISLAND, BEWARE, YOUNG PEOPLE!”

Everyone was aware and how didn’t I? she asked to herself.

Just then, he replied from behind, Because I am the God here, and everyone’s mind is in my control!

He held her soul and burnt her alive, throwing her into the fire. She screamed as she was burnt, the same scream she heard from the restaurant!


-Ajola Ganesan




  1. Oh, so spooky. Good job done with the prompt.

  2. The story took an unexpected turn. It started off as a seemingly normal romantic getaway for Tina and George, but it quickly escalated into a chilling tale of deception, ghostly encounters, and a sinister revelation. The suspense was well-built.

  3. Lovely, the plot twist was received well


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