Colours Crystal Book Review



Book review


Book name: Colours Crystals

Author: Dr. Arwa Saifi

Genre: Poetry

Pages: 76

Rating: 5/5


The book holds poetry dipped in the world of canvas and crystals that are found beneath the layers of The Earth.


One by one, defining the art of every color and celebrating its uniqueness with the finest words, the author has penned them with a touch of emotions and love.


The crystals, valuable ones scripted with the theme of praising its uniqueness, the author has made the poems look very beautiful.


Some of the words I loved are as follows:


“In the hues of passion, fiery and bright,

A canvas painted in the scarlet light.”


“Royal robes on a mountain’s crest,

Purple reigns in quiet conquest.”


“In the field of tulips, a radiant sea,

Pink dances with the winds so free”


“In the fields of rubies, like roses ablaze,

A symphony of warmth, a passionate phase.”


“Oh, emerald gem, in shadows deep!

A tranquil secret, nature’s keep.”


Wonderful poems in the book, gave me a good companion.

It was an awesome read.


The amazon link of the book is given below. 
