Punished with 1000 kisses for being late. His lips were wounded with love!

Sara’s punishment over her husband who didn’t arrive on time on their First wedding anniversary!

“It was 10:15 pm and my hand cooked special foods turned cold. And that’s the reason I did this honey. She placed her sorry with a warm cloth touching his lips that was wounded with their kisses.”

None response from him, he kept his mouth shut and his eyes closed.

Food none, only juices and Two days off to work, David laid on his sofa to rest.


Hahaha! The evil laugh of the Love in her kingdom ruled the entire place!

Here you go woman! Love cheered at Sara.

It’s always the kiss, that makes everything better and her punishment was the best!

Love made a dancing move.


Wild love! and how arrogant she is! Fate looked at his lips from her kingdom and felt pity.

A kiss! What’s is it supposed to do, when the power of Ego stays in their mind!


Ah! no your majesty, love is powerful and kiss is her most powerful tool. The slave from the Fate kingdom replied.


Is it so? Let me show you my power, the fate replied.

The flames of anger flamed into his mind; David woke form his sleep.


In the game of love, it’s always the  lips that will win the show. For kisses are drug, the soul always wishes to!


It was always the kiss, that will make work everything! Love sang to her soldiers.


David walked to the kitchen with heart filled with anger. Stood there and watched his wife, Sara busy chopping the chicken for lunch. Standing there for a minute or two, David walked towards Sara and Sara’s and David’s eyes met.

Uh! Nothing just to drink water, he said as he fetched water from the filter and drank. Watching he from behind, he hugged her tight, Sara was held up, pausing her work, as his fingers held her waist tight.

What is this, David? In the middle of the day, In the middle of work! Sara asked politely.

David knew, his fingers over her waist is her weakest point and paused and looked at Sara, into her eyes.

I want to play piano notes on your waist, right now! David said.

No! not now! Sara explained

I want ‘tit for tat’, right now! David smiled.


Food ordered from the shop; the game started!

She running around the house and he, chasing her. So polite was he, chasing very slowly for he knew, she always loses in every game with him. Love was she, and she was in love, madly with him.

An athlete running slowly in the house, he was much slower than her. all their house was filled with their laughter and their heavy breaths.

Pause! It’s a break time! She said, as she settled on the sofa, Breathing heavily. He sat next to her and both of them had an eye contact.


Her eyes, looks at his swollen lips and wonders, ‘Oh my poor baby!’ I have been so rude to you! She thinks to herself.

He looks at the celling making his head lie on the sofa edge.

15 minutes had gone and the heavy breaths vanished away. he slowly looks at her, watching through the window, pulls her up and grabs her waist with his hands and his fingers starts playing the piano notes on her waist!


His fingers dancing on her waist, she could have stopped but she didn’t. Her hands covered her mouth with laughter and her cheeks were shining filled with shyness and happiness.

The delivery boy interrupted, the piano notes played on her waist, lasted for only 15 minutes.

The glow of love; her shining cheeks, and pink waist, with the dance of my fingers on her waist.

Tit for tat, I said, as she unpacked the food and dined it to serve.

No response from her side. The stomach filled with food and a minute rest on the sofa.


She walks to me and says, is your ‘Tit for Tat’ done? She enquires and gives a sigh.

Not wanting to suffer her, I said, ‘Yes, it’s over’.


She grabs me from the back and said,’ Is this the tat you give for that 1000 kisses?’

I don’t agree!

Give me justice, she quarrels.

Well, I will play the whole night, but what about your morning favorite tea time?

He laughs.

Well, let’s put a holiday, for the morning breakfast!

And they both laugh.


Love looked from above and gave a stare to the kingdom of Fate.


What a faithful slave, kiss is! The fate got from her seat in anger, not accepting her defeat.


Padron me, madam, Kiss is not a slave, kiss the magic that rules the kingdom of Love. There is no such thing called salve in the kingdom of Love. All the called ‘Magic’! The princess of Feelings! The maid of the Fate replied



Ajola Ganesan



This post is a part of Remembering Love Blog Hop hosted by Manali Desai and Sukaina Majeed





  1. Kisses and piano notes played on a sensitive waist... the stuff that romance is made of! A kiss is the magic that rules the kingdom of love, indeed!

  2. The story is a whimsical and romantic tale, with fantasy and everyday life elements. The idea of using kisses as a form of punishment is creative and adds a playful touch to the narrative. The playful banter between Sara and David and the incorporation of elements like the piano notes on Sara's waist contribute to the overall charm of the narrative.

  3. This is a a very diff take on romance Ajola, who would have thought kisses to be punishment?! And piano notes on waist too?! Good one!

  4. Punishment of kisses? That's new. I'm sure this perhaps happens only when the relationship is new. Hahaha! But nice story.

  5. That was really very creative Ajola, and that only reinforces the belief - too much of anything is bad for you - including kisses! Hahaha!

  6. Yes, indeed music is associated with romance and how well you have weaved it in. Yay, for your creativity!

  7. Your story is mesmerizing and unique as your writing style. I wonder how playfully you crafted the story with humor, love and care they showed for each other. It is worth-reading

  8. A delightful and romantic story where Love and Kisses win. Who wouldn't want to be punished by a 1000 kisses🤭

  9. Kiss is for punishment... Ha ha, and the piano playing on waist.... The tale is filled with romance and weaven very well Ajola. I enjoyed the full game of David.

  10. Love can play games too. Only, occasionally the game is a series of kisses or the fingers on the waist... I love the passion in the story.

  11. This is such a creative take on the romantic kind of love... and kisses for punishment? Who would've thought!

  12. What a creative and out of the box take on love. Kisses as punishments and piano notes on waists - what fun!

  13. Greeting his wife with a kiss and how this simple gesture that has been converted into a lovely game worth of smiles by this playful and dainty love story. The relationship between the characters is charismatic, and the unpredictable twist keeps the reader engaged. The choice of such humorous and affectionate words makes this story a pleasure to read; smiling remains after reading the story. Out of the box...

  14. 1000 kisses do sound like a punishment if they can make you skip your work and food, poor David. On a lighter note, this playful love story is a delightful symphony of romance and humor. The piano notes on her waist add a charming twist, making love a whimsical dance. Simply enchanting!

  15. This is completely a different take on love where kisses are a way of punishing. Such punishments are unique and turn a relationship more romantic. I can see fantasy, humour and romance mixed in the story which made it more interesting to read.

  16. A happy punishment and a wonderful tit for tat...I think all will want to be part of this game. But all this is forgotten over time when duties and responsibilities take over.

  17. Piano notes on the waist! Ooh la la! 😂 This is already my favorite~ I love a steamy, playful story. Amazing 😍

  18. Yes, there's no slavery in the kingdom of love.

  19. 1000 kisses. Good God! That might be a punishment indeed. That said, a nice passionate story and a fitting take on the prompt.

  20. A very unique style of writing and indeed kiss has its own magic. Lovely read , Ajola !

  21. This is very unique and beautifully written. I really enjoyed reading it.

  22. A story with a unique flavour! very likable...

  23. An everyday story with a fantasy twist. Well done!


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