
Greased words

Words with hatred,
Now greased with love,
A coating of an apology,
Scripted with a heart touching line!
Hope she'll accept this,
The book says to the pages.
The spoken words will never fade away,
The page replies to it.

A hearing was ordered
as the Queen of the library heard,
The poem had run away!
The book on one side,
And the poem was never present.
Where is the poem?
The Queen looks at the soldier,
the rack reporter
A mountain of anger emerged, 
and she rose from her throne,
When the silence was given as the answer. 

The poem was found torn and crushed.
When and how did this happen?
The Queen enquired.
The scene was over as the reason was delivered!
The man who laughed at our subject;
the books, will be put to guilty.
Let the his mind never find meaning
in what all poems he read!

And the poem,
he crushed and threw away,
Will be the song,
he'll hear wherever he goes!
She orders and signs
with the agreement of the fate. 
The Queen bows down to Fate
and conveys her 'Thank you'.
The Fate wears her hat
and walks with the agreement in her hand!

-Ajola Ganesan



  1. Greased love, coat of apology... No wonder the poem went missing.


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