Coffee Vs Love

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Coffee Vs Love

Killed him with the slightest plot,

His heart remains shiver,

For the rest of his life!

I believe.


Morning tea replaced with coffee,

Coffee, oh yuk!  The syrup! He calls,

Oh! that’s how every tea lover would do!


But my castle of coffee, being harmed,

I call him, my favorite sick lover!


Many a war, have had been here,

In the kitchen, ended with kisses.

Oh, tea or coffee,

The war happens every ime or the other!

Cold war at time, turned to chaos!


Under the same roof, we live and drink,

With our limits!

And today, my coffee drops on my lips,

Stamped on his, he calls it a misery!


Oh, ae my lips that sick,

I ask him,

He looks at me, and screams,

It’s coffee!

What the world will that be bad?

I ask him with a romantic voice,

Standing between the line of love and tea,

He melts and walks away!


I run and hug him from behind,

Silence, the whole minute was!

Here’s your tea, I show him,

The cup on the table.


He turns to me,

His hands hold my face,

He places his lips on mine,

A deep and passionate,

And says, this is enough for the day!


-Ajola Ganesan



I am participating in #BLOGCHATTERA2Z


  1. What a beautiful prose... I just loved it

    1. Thank you so much.😊 This made my day today!😊

  2. Aww, so he finally learned to love coffee through the taste of her lips. 😏😉


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