Christmas gifts and New year kisses,
I cherish,
with the gifts, he gifts me,
In the long night of the winter!

Kisses packed up for New year!
And so, no painting till then, uh?
I say, as I fold,
his favourite lipstick of mine!

The silence from his mouth,
Was louder than his heart beats,
What if my love died of thirst?
As his kisses over me was his water to live!

A light hug, 
Gave all the answers!
A tight hug, I give in return,
Filling the gaps of his breaths!

The night sleeps,
with the melody of the night,
But our souls didn't!
Glowing with the flames of romance!

Beneath the sheets
We mend poems,
Under the roof,
We paint the sky again!

The dark night, dancing with the winter,
Bring in the fragrance of romance,
Blooming with flowers of love!

Flowers don't bloom at night,
She whispers into my ears,
Ah! My flower does, 
with the warmth of our love,
He says, 
as he plants a kiss over her forehead!

-Ajola Ganesan

This post is a part of Jingle Bell Blog Hop hosted by Sukaina Majeed and Manali Desai


  1. Aww, such a cute poem Ajola. I love how make these couple encounters and anecdotes so charming. They warm my heart

  2. Very passionate romance! Loved its rhythm here.

  3. A beautiful romantic poem! Very evocative, bringing in the magnificence of the festive season!

  4. Wow.. it's been a long time since I've read a poem with true literary devices! This was such a great read!

  5. This evocative poem beautifully captures the essence of love and romance during the festive season. The imagery of exchanged kisses and shared moments under the winter night's embrace paints a vivid and enchanting picture. The verses weave a tale of passion, poetic collaboration, and the enduring warmth of love.

  6. Your poem has beautifully captured the essence of love and romance during the Christmas season and New Year. The imagery is vivid, and the emotions are expressed with tenderness and passion. A lovely exploration of the emotional and sensual aspects of love during the holiday season.

  7. Ooh It got truly warm in there for a second! In my humble opinion, A kiss is the perfect way to stay warm in the winters~ 🤭

  8. Beneath the sheets
    We mend poems,
    Under the roof,
    We paint the sky again!
    These were my favourite lines. So lyrical.

  9. I loved it, love, romance warmth, and passion all came together so seamlessly!

  10. Silence from his mouth was louder than his heartbeat.....
    Oo boy... ❤️
    Romantic Explosion on Christmas. Kisses and hugs made the Christmas and winter beautiful ❤️ Like your poetry style and rhythm.

  11. what if my love dies of thirst. My favourite line in the poem. <3

  12. A romantic head in the cloud kind of read.
    -Anuradha Shetty

  13. Awww... Such a cute love poem! Very well written indeed.

  14. Christmas, romance and a beautiful poem, can there be a better setting. Loved the way your poem described and evoked emotions. A beautiful read.


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