If we kiss one more time,

You will be defeated!

And the dishes in the sink,

Will be the reign that you’ll have to rule!

She laughed as she chopped the lady’s finger!


His eyes on the boiling milk,

In the morning of the day,

Was his heart sleeping under the roof of romance!

Hmm.. may be, Romance would be good for the day!

He says as he places his fingers around her waist.


Her head slighted turned to his words,

His head found her should, a resting place!

Words none from her,

The reply he took as an ‘Yes!’


Silence interrupted with his fingers,

Playing piano over her waist,

The blushes her lisp uttered,

Oh! A sonnet of romance,

To preserved in the museum!


Shall I hug you, once?

He seeks her permission,

Oh, the sink is waiting for you, my love,

She responds with a smile filled blush.


We together, let the dishes in the sink,

Sail with the waves of our romance!

He sings.

They both wash them together!


What an amazing scene it was,

The walls of the kitchen said,

Hmm, you never know,

What the walls of their bedroom,

The love, they would speak of!


-Ajola Ganesan



I am participating in #BLOGCHATTERA2Z


  1. You made even doing the dishes into such a sensuous and romantic act. The mark of a wonderful poet indeed!

    1. Thank you so much deedi. This means a lot to me. Your words made my day today!😊 ❤❤


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