Romanced Kisses



Queen of love, she is,

Every woman's dream is to be!

And believe it as such!

And so was her lover,

Watching her dance in the rain!

Quill dipped in the pot of ink,

He writes his first poem!

Not a good man with grades,

Not a man of letters,

Yet, she tries his first poem,

With words and alphabet unknown!

Illiterate, I am, and how?

He dissolves with sadness within!

His body sprakles,

As her fingers finds a place,

Around his waist!

A love filled look,

She offers her letter of love,

And as his silence overlaps with her smiles,

Her eyes fall in the pen over the paper!

Oh, my lovely husband,

Trying to write a poem?

She blushes as she looks at him.

Ah! A try to! He silences.

You're already a poet,

She confirms with a wide smile,

He looks at her without answer.

Your the pen always,

That write poems on mine!

No need of poems on paper,

And to be preserved forever,

But on my skin,

For a lifetime,

A love unknown to the world,

Only living within our lovely little World!

-Ajola Ganesan 





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