High heels, I wear,

Hoping to touch,

His sharp nose with mine!

I'll cut your nose with mine,

I sing, when madly in love!

Goosebumps, I'll have,

He says, as he grabs my waist!

We dance with the moonlight,

Living a life in the darkness.

Devaju, I call his touches,

Over my skin,

As I feel, like I owned him,

Earlier in another life!

Let this art of our love,

The love we share and cherish,

Be a poem for the world,

To read,

A song for the world to listen to!

High heels, I wear,

To kiss you on your lips,

To see you face to face,

And wonder,

Oh, how handsome my man is!

And what a Privilege, 

To be his lovely woman!

-Ajola Ganesan 



I am participating in #BlogchatterA2Z


  1. Such lovely lines. I must confess many girls will resonate with your words as they are the dreams of many. - Swarna (The Blissful Storyteller)

  2. Let this art of our love,
    The love we share and cherish,
    Be a poem for the world,
    To read,
    A song for the world to listen to!

    What a lovely description of love and one's relationship


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