Pitches of her laughter,

That makes my lungs forget the fragrance of the flowers!

The evening walk with her!

A walk with poetry,

For she's a woman of words,

Studded with pearls of love!

The silence notes,

Oh, the music of love,

The blushes, oh, the rhythm of love!

A love story, our hearts is weaved,

The love, no words could fit in!

My smiles added,

My eyes forgot the setting sun!

Oh, what a disrespect for me!

The Sun smirks at the corner of his lips!

I give the world, a poetry,

For the world to cherish a little!

I owe him!

Oh, will be there,

 Me and the Moon, together?

The sun asks with excitement.

I look at the eager eyes of The Sun,

And reply, 'oh, Yes!'

What ought a poem of a post,

Without the sun and the moon!

-Ajola Ganesan 





  1. Opening stanza is encaptivating then as you weave on is magnificient
    .....she is a woman of words (full of praise for his love)
    ....the blushes, oh, the rhythm of love(beautifully drenching her words to the melody of music which is integral of love) and moon, together? ..
    Essence of love is being built, however I feel you can use can dive deep into love intentions to make your poem touchy. Beautiful composition.

  2. The love, no words could fit in!

    That's so aptly put. No amount of amount no matter how rosy, can be enough to define love


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