
Justice to my shirt!
He screamed, pointing his lost button,
With my tight grab of his collar!

The fresh morning,
With his favourite shirt,
Ruined by my romantic grab!

Anger stuffed with silence, him,
And, love rolled with happiness, me,
A war between love and anger, 
I wondered!

The Moon and The Sun,
Is jealous of us, I say,
As I show him the Art,
Of the Sun and The Moon together,
Hanging in the walls,
Of their living room!

His ears deaf with the lost button,
Was his shirt and his misery,
The song, the morning witnessed was!

I'm sorry! She places her words,
And brings a red shirt,
His anger applied all over his face!

An hour late to office, was he,
Out with a shirt, he didn't mind,
What was the anger, all about,
He forgot,
As his lunch box,
With her prepared food,
Fell onto his eyes!

Love and with care,
The food served his stomach,
And more, his heart!

A kiss was worth for the food,
For my other half, my soulmate!
He thinks,
No, a bunch of flowers along!
His heart whispered to him.

-Ajola Ganesan 

I am participating in #BlogchatterA2Z


  1. Aww, glad he finally realized what her love is all about. Yes, take her flowers to make up. That's a perfect make-up after such disagreements 😍


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