Girl, oh my lovely woman,
Oh, my rarest pearls,
He calls my eyes,
As he sinks into my eyes,
Gradually like sipping wine!

Oh, my diamond studded eyes,
Or, oh Ruby, he calls, 
my lips, that seems,
To be a cave of treasure!

He calls my hair, the silkiest cloth,
Woven by God,
His most favourite scent, my hair,
His morning fragrance,
His nose will experience!

He eats my kisses, in the morning,
My cooked food with love, 
In the afternoon,
And, my cute little poetry,
In the evening,
And my heart for the night!

Love, he calls this,
And, lover, he calls me,
The pen in his hand spells love,
His sonnets in bed, spells romance!

-Ajola Ganesan 

I am participating i #BlogchatterA2Z


  1. He eats my kisses, in the morning,
    My cooked food with love,
    In the afternoon,
    And, my cute little poetry,
    In the evening,
    And my heart for the night!

    Such wholesome romantic meals for the day


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