#WriteAPageADay #bloggerchatter

                                       LOVE AND LIFE                      

Laila and Ravi are young couple who got married by their parents. Though it was an arranged marriage, Laila and Ravi loved each other after marriage and were called ‘Arranged Love Birds’ by their surroundings.


Three days have passed yet they didn’t talk to each other.

Not even a phone call! And won’t pick up even if I call him! Laila talked to herself as she was boiling milk in the evening.

It was evening and he returned from office. Having his eyes on the floor he ignored Laila who wore a warm smile to welcome him as she opened the door for him.

Ravi walked straight to the table in the living room, placed his bag there and went to his room to fresh up.

Hmmm… A look at my face would have been enough for me. She thought to herself.

It was evening and she served him Chai along with Vada. He looked at the chai fixed and took it and had his first sip.

No comments given to her, like any other day!

Laila held her tears back and walked quickly to the kitchen before the tears from her eyes rolled down to her cheeks.

The evening chat between the couple didn’t take place as usual. Ravi was in the living room watching TV and Laila stayed back in the kitchen the whole time. Laila sat down and leaned her back to the cupboard, closed her eyes and the gulp of her saliva into the throat was not only the saliva but also the sadness she had. Her heart wanted to shout but she couldn’t.

The clock turned 7pm and she started preparing the dinner.

No fights have been this cruel! Laila thought to herself as she made rolled the dough for chapatti.

But I hope, this will change his mind today. She said to herself, cooking his favourite, paneer butter Masala for him.


The lovely talks while preparing diner, his silent hugs from behind, nothing happened today and for Laila, her day felt colourless.

 Laila peeped into the living room every 5 minutes, believing he would enter the kitchen and talk to her. but nothing happened as Ravi was dwelled in his office matters as he had a bad day at office.


The clock turned 8pm and Laila started to set the dining table for dinner.

Ravi reached the table as usual. He didn’t look at her face.

Laila acted as she didn’t mind and started served him.


Laila placed two chapatis and placed his favourite recipe near it.

Ravi saw her face as she served his favourite recipe.

This time Laila didn’t look at him and showed her kind of act.


Ravi made a slight curve and had his first bite, stood still for a minute and started having his food.

Laila waited for his comment over his favourite food, but there was no response from him.


They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach! Laila commented as he served the third chapatti to Ravi.

And for a foodie like you, this saying suits very well! Laila added.


Ravi looked at her and said, ‘For a chef like you, who would deny this beautiful saying! Ravi said with a grinned voice.


Ah! there you spoke! Laila responded to his comment.


This evening with no talks, this gave me some peace. She said.

He gave a look at her as he chewed his food.


Your mother was right. You are a short-tempered person!

She added as she had he last bite and left the table taking away her plate, just before Ravi could say something.

Laila went to the kitchen and washed her hands

Yeah! But a wild lover as well! Ravi hugged Laila from behind and kissed her cheek.


It took you this much time to some and talk to me, uh? She grinned as she removed his hands from her and headed to the dinning to bring the dishes to the kitchen.


Ravi stood still watching her talk.

Laila brought the dishes, placed them into the kitchen sink and looked at Ravi.

Ravi touched her hand and she left him saying,
Okay, now I’m going she said as he switched off the kitchen light and walked to the bedroom.


Ravi stood in the kitchen without moving, still in the same place.

Laila switched on the bed room light was looked back and Ravi was no where to be seen. She walked back to the living room calling out his name and to the kitchen and he was nowhere to be found.


Laila switched on the kitchen light and checked all the rooms, but Ravi was not there. She stood in the living room filled with silence and wondering about his absence.


Suddenly thunders and lightening occurred with the heavy rain that occurred without any prior guesses and the lights blink off continuously with the falling rain.

Just then, the calling bell rings and she opened the door. The watch man stood there half wet with a wet umbrella in his hand.

Mam, Ravi sir has met with an accident and he’s taken to the nearby hospital. The police jeep has arrived to take you to hospital. He said.


Laila was shocked by this news and she refused to believe.


She not responding to the watchman, started running into the rooms, in search of her husband but he was there lying in his room.  Laila was now shocked to see him lay on his bed.


She walked to the living room where the watch man stood, but no one to be seen. She was in wide shock with this incident. The rolled her eyes but there was no one. She walked to the balcony and saw the rain falling. And down there, she was the watch man walk from her apartment to his place.

Laila shouted from the balcony to stop him and ask him for the confusion but he kept walking away.


Laila was now in deep confusion and shock. She went to the room, saw her husband lay with his eyes closed.

She woke him up and said the whole story. Ravi was half asleep and gave irrelevant answers to her.

It was when Laila shook Ravi with high force to wake him up from his sleep.


What the hell is wrong with you, in this night?  Ravi charged at her.


Laila looked at him with eyes full of fear and explained the whole story.

Ravi held her tighter and explained ‘you are having a nightmare’ and made her lay on the bed next to her and patted her to sleep.


Then he walked to the living room, to the balcony and watched the road that lay in front of him. The ambulance siren was louder and the ambulance rolled over the road with great speed. The ambulance carried his body to the hospital.

And he looked at the sky, took a breath and retuned to his bedroom and rested next to her.

With the greatest saying, ‘Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today!’, he said as he ran his fingers over the silky hair and down to her cheek.


A story by

Ajola Ganesan





