#WriteAPageADay #bloggerchatter

                               Life, a clueless question paper!

Exam of life,

I said, looking at,

Her series of questions,

put forth by her!


Blank and clueless,

I stare at her face,

With no answers,

Stitched with confusion!


Pancakes and pizza, Ordered, arrived at time,

But my answers, never!


Her eyebrows arched,

Her eyes, enquired my silence,

Nothing, I explain but no vain!


A punch in my stomach,

As a punishment,

I smiled and concluded.


Munched the food,

And placed my happiness,

She threw the pillow aside,

Ah, i missed her shot!


The day ended,

with no arguments,

And with a pinch of peace,

As peace comes with silence!


-Ajola Ganesan





Lay a kiss upon these hungry lips,

That had gone dried,

With the season of ego!


Throat weeping with a prayer,

Of bringing water to end the thirst,

And so were my lips,

Waiting to be on yours!


The words told,

Waits at a distance,

Swallowed away with the time,

But the wounds, still prevail,

In the skin of everyday!


The earth too had seasons,

And so does our life,

Come and kiss me, for once,

And let the old past, die!


The long song of our love,

Will be the shortest and the sweetest,

And our deepest kiss,

Will be the sonnet,

Never forgotten by the world!


-Ajola Ganesan





Oh, my lovely girl,

A red rose, you are!


An art, you are,

A wordless sonnet,

A song of love,

A synonym of 'Masterpiece!'


-Ajola Ganesan






