


The kiss of the moon and the sun,

Sitting on an ancient star,

In the sky, filled with clouds,

A secret kiss, the world never knew about!

Curtains drawn with the dark clouds,

With heavy rain poured,

To suppress the sounds of their blushes!

Oh! What a faithful servant,

Were The Nature,

To their beloved Kingdom!

Their lips met and parted,

In certain intervals of time,

The calculations,

Mathematics and Physics,

Never ever cared upon!

An infinite times, their eyes met,

Even the Integral calculus gave up,

Summoning its theories,

Don't possess solutions for it!

The Kingdom of Love,

The eyes were all upon,

Where a poet came with a sonnet,

Ah! It's here, the solution!

The Fate looked at the scene.

Sentenced a death penalty, to time,

And 'infinite continuity' to their kisses,

The moon and the sun jailed in the cage of love,

Lived a long life, 

Giving the world, a heavy rainfall,

For a whole day!

Ajola Ganesan





Who am I? 

A Moon waiting for her Sun?


A flower waiting to be admired by someone?

Who am I?

A bird waiting to be called a nightingale?


A tree waiting to be a home?

Who am I?

A wall waiting for an artist to paint me?


A paper waiting for a poet to scribble on me?

Who am I? 

A river flowing to meet the ocean?


An island waiting to meet the shore?

Who am I?

A woman in love with you?


A lady, waiting to be loved by you?

Ajola Ganesan





Let's get lost tonight,

Leaving the time go in delight,

For our love is a far away place,

Away from the world!

The time stood still,

With our spell 'Love'

And the world was frozen,

Until we returned!

Dreams, they call this meet,

A happy wonderland! 

The poet explained Time.

Time raised her eye brows, 

And said, 'Well I know!'

Leaving a heavy breath!

And then why obey them? 

The poet sung his question

Because, he's, 

The master of the world, The Sun,

And she,

Is his loveable Queen, The Moon!

Ajola Ganesan





Oh my lovely rose,

Blooming always with my every touch!

My kiss, her favourite sunrise,

My hug, her favourite sunset!

Lost in the world of love,

Myself the King, become your slave,

I obey her words like a child,

Yet break the rules, for she likes it!

Oh! Lovely rose, the Queen of flowers,

The own Queen of my heart!

I call you 'The Rose' for the day,

Gifting you the flowers 'Rose!'

Roses, for My Rose! 

I celebrate her today,

For she's the flower,

My heart has ever bloomed for!

Ajola Ganesan




I bent my knees down to her,

It's a proposal! She guesses,

As I bent my knees down to her!

A man with a flower, I was,

For love was all, in me!

Her fingers touched mine,

As she accepted the flower,

A kiss on her hand, she denied,

Oh, shyness! I believed!

My collar, she caught,

Ordering me to stand.

Denied are your kisses on my hand, 

She declares, showing her lips to me!

Your lips on mine,

Will be the statement! She said as she blushed.

Our lips smiled, driven to infinity! 

Our lips met, love was declared,

Fingers tangled, the souls cherished!

The proposal paved the way for a journey,

Destined to 'The Land of Forever Love'.

-Ajola Ganesan



With every bubble she popped,
She cheered as she won!
I blew the soap water into bubbles,
As she popped them!

An everyday marathon, we call it,
For it was our favourite play!
Chess and tennis, apart,
This game is all about love!

The winning trophy was kisses bunched with hugs,
And the slogan sung,
'Yay! I won!'

The flowers from our garden,
Watch this evening sunset show,
Orchestrated with the chirps of the birds!

The game ends with laughter,
And a hug with lips.
Who won the game? 
Will never matter here,
Only the happiness remains, 
added to their beautiful memories!

-Ajola Ganesan

Your chubby cheeks,

And, cute tummy,

I always lay head on,

As a pillow!


A cute teddy bear you are,

Oh, my lovable husband!

His snores, I never adore,

His anger, I never admire!


Fat and chubby, you are,

With my hand cooked food,

Love I find within, when, I respond for,

'Oh my god, your husband's fat',

As, Yes, he's my teddy bear,

I proudly say!

And his perfect reply,

Yeah, my wife's,

a very good chef, and hence!

And laughs.


Love found us,

And stitched us together,

Happy Teddy day,

Go and wish your lover!


-Ajola Ganesan



Under the dark sky,

In the silence melody of the night,

Our souls will meet,

In the land of dreams!


Shhh! Let the secret stay,

Just like our soul kisses,

The kisses, our bodies never knew!


It parted us and won,

The world will believe,

Until it visits heaven,

And looks at our love, living!
Ajola Ganesan



Dance with me, 

Oh my lovely woman,

Making my every day,

Valentine's day!

Worship my lips with yours,

With kisses under the Stars,

To take an oath,

Of loving you forever,

And your name,

stamped on my heart, 

the whole life and forever!

-Ajola Ganesan


Kisses, I submerge my soul into,

For I knew,

she likes to be admired,

From a distance with no words!


Soft touches from behind,

I place my request to kiss her,

For a time, beyond infinity,

In the season of never ending love!



Kiss of my soul,

I punched my lips with hers,

Filled with love,

And a Salad of romance!


And love found its way,

Touches bloomed sonnets,

For the hearts to write,

Her skin became a portrait,

Sung nowhere, but known only by me!


-Ajola Ganesan


