Book review





The book holds a piece of reality, a touch of feelings and the things that we all have met in our day -to -day life. The heart is a bag with full of emotions, some said and some kept in our hearts, hidden forever. The author has explained a few scenes that we all have come across in our lives and has shared her feelings about it.


Some real happenings have been said, that kindles our emotions and the author has expressed the ways of how a little change can bring a great change to the world and a few incidents that ae relatable to women. All women would have met this situation and I felt it more relatable to me.


The author has expressed the theme of

‘Not to waste food. Eat how much you want to, but never waste it’. The author has shared her real-life experience with this theme.


Ever wondered about the resting period for mothers? The author expresses her feelings and thought of resting period for woman who work the whole day without holidays and doping the households till the end of her lifetime. The author says that we should respect that as a work and give them some space.


The author has shared her feelings of being a girl and the bride to be scenes. I felt these so relatable because I am undergoing this phase in my life right now. As I read these chapters, I felt that I am not the only one suffering like this. So many restrictions and conditions and the act of bride seeing, makes us feel different and we learn new things.

The author has shared her thoughts on various topics of web series themes related to emotions and some on the real happenings in the world, about the judgement given for the people, and about the generation gap that has created the difference in love, making a great difference between love and lust, and about the thrilling experience of being caught in the night , the greatest fear of every woman!


The author has shared her person experience in this whole book.

Every chapter gives us a new experience. The book was just like, the author sat next to me and spoke her heart out!


A book with million feelings and thought, served with the bowl of reality.

Link to buy the book.


#TRBreadingChallenge2023 by BlogChatter




  1. This books seems interesting as it has many practical aspects being shared. In our long journey of life we do feel low many a times and such books really rejuvenates our energies. Your review is helpful.


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