Vase broken with the wind,

He looked at it with fear,

Closed the balcony,

That brought the best breeze,

To clean the place so well.

I'm afraid, she'll shout!

He murmured as he cleaned,

And placed the broken pieces,

Concealed in a bottle.

Precious, more than any other!

He screamed as the woman from the painting, 

in the living room,

Gazed him as he placed them in a bottle!

Twelve good men and true,

She sang the words.

He turned back and pointed out a paint brush,

A warning, that he would collapse her!

The woman I love,

The woman I married,

Will be a singer tonight,

Shouting at the little bird; me,

He cried.

Don't worry, my majesty,

I'll make The Moon the prettiest,

She will dwell into it,

And will forget the vase.

The genie replied.

Ah! Can you bring one vase here?

He pleaded the genie,

Can you paint me and make me look the most handsome man?

The genie asked for his price.

Well, he nodded.

The similar vase was placed.

And, his daughter fell for the handsome man!



